Fitting a Fence Post
Fitting A Fence Post
1.Common defects to fence posts
- Splits on the Posts
- Checks on the Wood
- Exposure to too much wetness may cause the timber to expand and rust decay
2. Materials
- · Fence Post 75mmx75x2.4m £18 (1)
- · Postcrete 20kg £14 (2)
3. The defects and limitations of fence posts
- Wood decay or fungi rust
- Bowing of wood
- Twisting
4. Tools
- Hammer
- Stringline
- Tape Measure
- Post Hole Digger
- Wheel Barrow
- Stop Bored
- Crowbar
- Shovel
- Bucket
5. PPE
- Boots
- Gloves
- Goggles
Risk assessment
- Cuts on hands from wood bits
- Splash from mixing post concrete can damage eyes and burn hands
- Hitting legs and foot whilst using the post hole digger
6. Method statement of how to fit a Fence post
First we wear our PPE on ,then we move on to the site in order to assess the area were the job is likely to take place .We take our post hole digger ,wheelbarrow ,bucket and shovel then we dig a hole 500 millimetres deep by 200 millimetres wide using our post hole digger and shovel .The soil we remove we put it in our wheelbarrow ,when we reach 500mls into the ground we then take our fence post then put it inside whilst we try to make it be in a straight in line with the other posts around using a string line and we also use a level in order for the fence post to be levelled straight going upwards.We then start mixing our post concrete with the soil in our wheelbarrow using the ratio of 1;3 ,1 Bucket of post concrete to 3 buckets of soil .When the mortar is mixed and in a fine way ,we then pour it into the hole and we mix it inside the hole to make it uniform and strong .Our fence post should be level when we pour the mortar into the ground ,when we finish putting the mortar and the hole is filled up we then level our post and put it in line before the mortar dries .When all this is done we can put a piece of wood against the post in order to guide it whilst it dries up ,then we tied up and clear .
Dear Customer
We would like to inform you that we installed a new fence and replaced the old one ,we first
got our PPE on and we had to remove the old fence post and then we had an inspection of
the site to see where the new post would settle .
which was 500 millimetres deep and 200 millimetres wide ,after we reached our wanted
measurements of the hole we then mixed our post concrete accordingly until it gave us a
uniform colour .We placed a string line in line with the fence posts around and we placed our
post into the ground then we poured our post concrete into the ground and we levelled our
post whilst the mortar was drying ,The post was nicely levelled and in line with the other
post ,so we had to cut a piece of wood installed it against the post to guide it whilst it dried up
the we tied up and cleared .
3 hours
Materials £46
Labour £30 per hour by 3 = £90
Overhead COST( PPE , permit and diesel) £160
Total cost £296
Price excluding V.A.T
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